Thursday, March 19, 2009

Acapulco, baby! (part 1)

Hey, all! Did you watch my video?? I know it was kinda long, and I'm sorry about that, but you guys are lucky that YouTube has a 10 minute limit, or it would have been LONGER. I'm still new to this whole vlogging thing, and I'm not very good at cutting things out... I LIKED everything that I said. It was FUN. But, like any good work, it's better when it's cleaned up. And that vlog wasn't cleaned up very well... or very much. But! I am going to get better at it! Like I said, I'll do a couple more of those from Mexico, and then I think I'll continue the vlogs (and probably this blog, too) so everyone can keep up with my crazy-cool college life :)

So, anyway, this is part three of spring break. Acapulco!

Callie and I got back to Cuernavaca (from Oaxaca) around 1 am. We were tired. I slept in Tuesday morning. Callie went to the bus station to buy our tickets. We still weren't sure where we were going to stay. We looked online, we called around, and we found this little hostel called K3. we never did find out what that stood for... Anyway, our bus left at 2:00, so we got there around 6:00. We watched some Garfield movie on the bus, and then a movie called... crap... I don't remember what it was called, but it was about a movie star dog who falls off an airplane (I know) and is found by this boy whose father is a firefighter. And the boy kinda hates the dog at first, but then they become bffs, and the dog saves people from fires, and then the original owner sees the dog and is all happy and stuff and takes him home, and the boy is sad because the dog was his bff. But then the dog runs away, saves the boy from a fire (which was set by a badguyfireman from a rival station), and the owner is like, "Oh, he loves you so much. Okay, he can stay with you." And the boy and the dad are happy. The end. Oh, and there was something in there about his uncle dying in a fire. And the boy didn't get along very well with the dad. But, you know, minor details.
Anyway, we got to Acapulco and checked in to our hostel. They told us we each had 30 minutes of free internet (which we never used) and then gave us our keys to our "room." We got to our "room" and opened the door and the first thing we noticed? It wasn't a room. It was a bed closet. I mean, literally, it was the size of a walk-in closet. There were two tiny bunk beds, and the only space between them was the width of the door. It was SMALL.

Lucky we were the only two in there, so we each just took the bottom bunk. It wasn't too bad, just... TINY. And the sheets! They gave us our sheets when we checked in. It was like a sleeping bag sheet. Like, the sheet was folded in half and sewn together at the bottom and sewn together for about a foot up the side. It was literally like a sheet made into a sleeping bag. Oh, and we got a pillow case. Thank goodness the pillows were already in the room, because I ended up stealing one from the bed above Callie (the one above me had... something that looked suspiciously like animal poop on it. EWWWWWW) to use in addition to my own. I can't stand sleeping with one pillow. It makes me snore even worse than usual.
Oh! And the signs on the doors were HILARIOUS. They were in Spanish and English, and... yeah. The grammar was bad in BOTH languages.

That night we walked on the beach for about 15 minutes, but it was getting dark, so we didn't stay.

We did eat at a restaurant that was on the beach, and we got an epic lemonade and some yummy quesadillas that were more like... cheese empanadas.

They were SO good. Mmmmm.

The next morning we got up, ate breakfast (toast and cereal, no joke) and headed out! We bought towels, because neither of us had one, I bought a big huge 1 liter water bottle, and we went to the beach. We walked in the opposite direction from our walk the night before, and immediately a guy came up and asked us if we wanted to rent an umbrella. My immediate reaction was no, but Callie is a lot smarter than me. She asked how much, turned out to be 30 pesos for the whole day, and so she said, "Okay." This was smart because we had no umbrella or anything to keep us in the shade, and we were planning on spending the ENTIRE day at the beach. So, good thinking, Callie!

While I was at the beach, I brought my notebook, and I wrote some blog entries, so I think I'll let me-from-the-past do the narrating now:


There's sand in my pants.
I love the beach, though. The sound of the waves, the oceany breeze. And we are the youngest ones here. Somehow we ended up on the old people beach. It's hilarious. The next youngest people are probably in their 30s. Oh! No, wait, two little girls just showed up. They look about 8 and 6, though. Under 10 doesn't count. And most of them are American, but they're all TAN. Like, brown. Like, we thought this guy was Mexican until he told us he was from New York. And we are both WHITE. Like, albino. Like, glows-in-the-dark, welcome beacon white.
There's sand in my hair.
At least my skin will be nice and smooth. I hope the calluses on my feet go away. Free pedicure! Yay!
So we rented a table (w/ chairs) and umbrella. It's really nice. Only 30 pesos for the whole day. And Callie brought her blanket for us to lay on. We put it out in the sun for a while, but the tide almost gave us a bath, so we moved the blanket behind the table and moved the chairs into the sun. Well, Callie moved her chair into the sun. I decided to sit in the shade for a while. I'd like to get tan, but I don't want to burn :) It's really nice out. It was cold in Oaxaca, but sitting on the beach with my feet in the sand is perfect. And the breeze is so perfect. And I just love the beach.
There's sand in my shirt.
Every five minutes or so a vendor comes by. Bracelets, hats, figurines, necklaces, shawls, magazines, and food. And a lady who will give you a massage or braid your hair into those tiny braids. And it doesn't matter if they've come by before, they come to you again. Here comes one now. Bracelets with your name. And each time someone comes by, I want to get something!
I am really tempted to get my hair done in braids :) And when lunch time rolls around, we are definitely buying some quesadillas. We don't even have to move an inch to get lunch! There's the quesadilla man, and then our table/umbrella is rented from some guys that run a restaurant/bar, and we have a waiter-guy who comes up every once in a while and asks ow we're doing and if we want any piƱa coladas or nachos or hamburgers. It's great. And the quesadillas from the quesadilla guy are like deep-fried... they look more like cheese empanadas than quesadillas. Mmm.
I think there's sand in my brain.
Wow, I'm getting hungry. And sleepy. I think I'll take a nap in the sun after lunch. A short nap. With lots of sunscreen :) But I do need to get some sun. I think some day I want to live on the beach. Just for a yaer or two. It would be so nuce to just walk down the stairs into my beach backyard and sit in the shade and listen to the waves and read or write. Maybe I'll to California after I graduate.
I'm watching somebody parasail right now. It looks pretty neat. I would like to try that some day. Maybe. Lol. Let's put it this way. There's also a bungee jumping place right next to the beach. I would MUCH rather parasail than bungee jump. :)

To Be Continued...


Madeline said...

If that's the movie I think you're talking about, I loved it when I was little! *wow, I just tried to find out the name to the movie, but I can't! It sounds a lot like the film you described though, and its a golden retriever dog in it. He has sunglasses on the cover of the box, I remember, from those good old days at Hollywood videos.* Looks like you had so much fun! Miss you!

Lori said...

So, when you said you wanted to get your hair in braids... TOTALLY made me think of the Friends episode where monica gets her hair in braids with the little beads on the end, and keeps swinging her head to make the beads clink together... I can totally see you doing that :-D
P.S. yay I can comment!
P.P.S. from Madeline's description, it sounds like a movie that was one of my favorites when I was little... I loved dog movies :)

Allison said...

I found it. It's called Firehouse Dog, and it was made in 2007, so if you guys meant that you loved to watch it as a kid in high school, then we're talking about the same movie, but if not... lol, I don't know what you two are talking about.

Lori said...

Hey, is it so bad that I watch kid movies in high school? A few weeks ago we had a double date with another engaged (now married) couple and we watched cars... I see nothing wrong with this.
Anyway, the movie I was thinking of is called Bingo...